My heart is blue

And green! I actually shaped these little guys before Valentine's Day... it's the longest I've let Sculpey sit out in the open air. They don't seem dried out, yet. I plan to bake them tonight!

tote in progress

This is my first unique knitting creation, working without a pattern! And my first time using Lion Brand Yarn's wool, too. I'm having fun with this optical illusion ... it's a green bag with blue stripes ... no wait, it's blue with green stripes! I've just finished the body of my tote--the plan is to knit some rectangle panels to form the "sides" of the bag, add handles, and then felt. I haven't decided what color to make the handles--I could make them striped, or completely solid, or one of each color, matching the dominant color for that side of the bag .... so many choices!

finished flamingo

And voila! After adding eyes and stuffing! My very own flamingo!

All sewn together and ready to toss in the wash ... please felt, please felt...

constructing a flamingo

After many long hours of knitting, all the pieces were complete...

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...