it's been awhile

There's no denying it. What hatched as an exciting idea in February has remained dormant for way too long. I haven't forgotten about this little blog, but engaged in a loooong planning phase. I've spent so much time reading other amazing blogs and getting inspired! This has become my "summer of craft," as I have a long and ambitious list of crafting goals this summer:
  1. Learn how to use my sewing machine. (My mom taught me the basics, but my lack of experience leaves me intimidated. The plan is to start small, with simple projects like placemats and tote bags, and graduate to my first skirt!)
  2. Perfect my felted tote design and construction, complete with linings and zippers (the latter part of this goal hinges on my mastering my sewing machine).
  3. Get proficient at needle felting (so as to adorn my felted totes....).
  4. Knit another felted animal.
  5. Knit my first sweater--a soft cardigan, preferably.
  6. Maintain an inspiring craft blog!
  7. Develop a stock of crafts I can sell at an upcoming craft fair (gulp!).
  8. Design something I could submit to Knitty! (okay, so that's dreaming big)

Wow. This list is impossibly long. Even if I can only complete a fraction of it, I'd be proud! It's going to be a busy summer ... and July is nearly here!

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hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...