to be continued ...

So much craftiness has happened in the past month, and no posts to show for it! I blame it entirely on the fact that my memory card reader has been on the fritz ... well, that and the fact that I can't stand to post without a photo of some sort. As soon as I can retrieve my images, there will be a parade of posts to document my progress.

Until then, here's a synopsis:
--yummy yarn has been added to my stash
--one baby sweater is near completion, another one is well underway
--baby quilt blocks are under construction
--I've been swooning over some new quilting books
--the nursery has been painted a cheery yellow
--project makeover on the guest bathroom is near completion
--the cross-stitch bug has hit me in full force

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hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...