The cotton candy socks are done! What a relief. I'd like to say that knitting these has been all sweetness, like their name, but that was not the case. The blame is all on me, however. I have a bad habit of stealing needles from old WIP for whatever new project has caught my fancy ... sometimes I hold the stitches on the abandoned project on stitch holders, but usually I hold the stitches with another set of needles in a different size. Well, that burned me big time on this project. This project had sat idle for more than two years, and of course I'd forgotten that the needles weren't the correct size. And did I double check my project details on Ravelry? No. So when I picked up this project I just started knitting away with the size 3 needles left in it with great gusto. I did notice a funny spot where I had picked things up, but it looked more like twisted stitches instead of the change in gauge I had created ... I knitted away merrily, finishing the entire sock. I even wove in my ends and grafted the toe, and it wasn't until I tried both socks on that I realized something was very very wrong about the second sock. Groan. Start over!
Yarn: 1 skein Lion Brand Sock-Ease (Colorway: Cotton Candy)
Size 2 needles.
Don't forget to visit the other FOs at TamisAmis!
Your socks are wonderful! I love the color.
Well, I hope you like the socks as much as I do--they are beautiful, and well worth all your extra perseverance to get them finished.
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