sock progress

They're grooowing! I haven't devoted as much attention to these lately, what with my quilt distracting me, but I've reached my favorite part of any sock--turning the heel. No matter how many times I do it, it still feels like "magic." And somehow, the foot goes sooo much faster for me than the leg portion.

yarn crawl across mississippi: jackson

Earlier this week we were able to make a quick excursion to Jackson, Mississippi--which meant I could visit one of my favorite yarn shops in the entire state, the Knit Studio (location, hours). A couple of factors make it one of my favorites ... the owner, Judy, is one of the friendliest, most gracious people I've ever met. She's an owner that truly makes you feel welcome, not snubbed. And on top of that, she has an amazing selection of gorgeous yarns. Noro, Berroco, Manos del Uruguay, Blue Sky Alpacas, .... I could go on and on .... (full list of product lines here). And her shop is open and airy, full of natural light. You just feel happy the minute you step inside of it. It's probably a good thing I live 2.5 hours away!

Of course, I couldn't leave without a few goodies, could I?

Filatura Di Crosa Baby Zarino Print (destined to become a baby hat)

Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash Paints (destined to become a kid's cardigan)

Schoppel-Wolle Zauberball Lace (all for meeeeeee.... project TBD)

If you make the trek to the Knit Studio, I highly recommend refueling at Majestic Burgers, an awesome gourmet burger place in the same shopping center. Sweet potato fries, asian coleslaw, hearty burgers in great flavor combos ... my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

quilt in progress

Remember my crosses? This week we're on spring break, and this project has become my obsession. After starting construction of the quilt blocks, I realized that my jelly roll was woefully lacking in the number of "solids" I needed to create enough contrast to make the crosses really "pop." So I ended up adding the bright solid-ish orange and hot pink prints. Then what really got my mojo going on this project was finding the polka dot print that you see in between each block here. Orange, pink, and lime green polka dots on a white background--perfect!

12 Socks in 2012: New Pair #2

I loved the socks I started earlier, but my brain needed something simpler right now, so I just cast on for a pair of cross-hatch lace socks by Charlene Schurch (Ravelry link: The yarn? So old I've lost the ball band, but I do know it is Cherry Tree Hill yarn sock yarn. This pattern knits up so fast and is quick to memorize, I love it!

baby boy sweater #1: petite facile pullover

The Petite Facile pullover is done! I finally finished seaming and sewing on the button last night ... it could have been finished days ago, but I always seem to procrastinate when it comes to finishing. And the sad part is there was hardly anything to finish! Just side seams and arm seams. This was a really fun, fast pattern. I'd make another one in a heartbeat! Course, I am a sucker for a good garter-stitch yoke ...

This is somewhat embarrassing to admit, but this is the first pattern I've ever knit out of Interweave Knits. And that's after subscribing to the magazine for, oh ... five years. Oops. What can I say? I've queued a TON of patterns, but never seem to actually knit any of them ... until now!

Check out the other finished objects at TamisAmis!

new book: 60 quick baby knits

I just got 60 Quick Baby Knits, and man ... there are a ton of must-knit-now patterns in this book! I'm very glad I made this purchase! I want to size up some of the girl patterns to fit my toddler, and there are loads of great boy patterns as well. Not to mention great blanket and hat patterns ... lots of good variety! Here are some of my favorites ...

tiny tux (this one cracks me up)

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...