
I'm not sure if it's because I'm less overwhelmed this time or more addicted to knitting (perhaps a bit of both!), but I've found myself itching to knit much sooner after the birth of our second kiddo. Almost immediately after coming home from the hospital, I found myself dreaming of all the knits I wanted to be working on during those late-night feedings ... and now, five weeks (eep! already?!?!) later, I'm slowly starting to carve out some knitting time in between caring for a newborn and chasing an almost-three-year-old around the house. I really thought my many hearts blanket would be perfect for this period of knitting half a row here, half a row there ... but I've lost a bit of my mojo on that one. I know that it is the sheer size of knitting a twin-size blanket that is diminishing my enthusiasm ... so what do I turn to instead? Another blanket! But this one is a baby blanket, my preferred size when it comes to knitting a blanket. You may think this is another project for our new baby boy, given its color, but think not ... this is for a dear friend that I just found is preggers and due in November. So I have plenty of time to finish, which is good, given my current knitting speed!

This project is the Lace Blocks blanket out of the book Big Needle Knit Afghans (Ravelry link). Knit on size 10 needles and using worsted weight yarn (I'm stashbusting some Caron Simply Soft in the Cool Mint colorway for this project), it really knits up pretty fast. And the pattern is one of those addicting, fun stitch patterns, where you find yourself racing to get to the next repeat. So far I'm loving it!


Don't forget to check out the other WIPs at TamisAmis and YarnAlong!

doodle stitching: happy day banner

We're having lots of happy days here because .... baby finally arrived! I found this project in one of my many bouts of nesting-related cleaning, and decided to finish it up in time to use it to celebrate the little guy's arrival. It's a project inspired by the "happy days banner" from the book Doodle Stitching (see my previous post about this project).
As you can see, I modified this project heavily. The book's instructions call for using quilting cotton and sewing a back onto each flag (I used felt and skipped the backing step). And I opted to print a more "varsity" feeling font from my computer instead of using the book's font (which was too curly and girly for my taste). I also skipped the crown or other birthday-related motifs, in favor of creating something that could be used to celebrate any happy occasion.

I'll be posting a lot less frequently as we acclimate to a newborn's sleeping schedule. May you be having happy days now as well!

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...