horsing around

My monstrously huge, floppy hobby horse head felted up fabulously! It took nearly six wash cycles (felting is the one and only time I will curse having a high-efficiency top loading machine!), even with a pair of jeans included for extra agitation.

Pre-felting measurements:
Top of forehead to end-of-nose = 14 inches
Top of forehead to beginning of neck = 11 inches

Post-felting measurements:
Top of forehead to end-of-nose = 8 inches
Top of forehead to beginning of neck = 6 inches

It didn't really look like a horse head until I added the mane and forelock. Could have gone a little longer with the mane pieces, but I figure they'll better stay out of the way of some tiny hands and fingers this way.

I used more of Hobby Lobby's "I Love This Wool" for the mane and forelock. This time I used one of their self-striping colorways, "Pastels" (the main color is "Thistle"). I  love how using the self-striping yarn gives me a multi-colored look, without the effort! Not much yardage was needed for the mane and forelock (the pattern estimates about 50 yards). I have about 1/4 remaining in each of the two skeins I used for the actual horse head.

Don't forget to check out the other WIPs at TamisAmis and YarnAlong!


Christina said...

The horse felted lovely. Those ears are just adorable!!! Can't wait to see it finished (on friday, perhaps?).

pinkundine said...

It looks fabulous! I saw the pre-felted photos and just couldn't picture how it would turn out! The mane looks great in those colours too :)

Paula said...

Ah that is lovely! The mane changed the horse completely - very cute :-)

Minding My Own Stitches said...

Amazing felting! Looks perfect, especially with the added mane and forelock.

Unknown said...

I love it. Your felting looks really awesome, and neat.

Allison said...

That looks awesome! I love the variety of colors in the mane. What are you going to do for the eyes?

Emily said...

I thought about needlefelting, but chose against it after my experience with the felted Kuku doll ... so buttons it is!

Pumpkin said...

He is looking so adorable and well worth the effort! I cannot wait to see him finished!

Anonymous said...

Ok, that is flippin' cute!

Leah said...

You felted a hobby horse?? Mind blown. It looks amazing - I look forward to seeing the finished product.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...