going public

Remember how I realized I needed to be a bit more serious about yarn dieting in my mid-year review? Yup, it's happening. For reals. You'll notice a new counter on my right-hand column ... a cold sheeping counter (cold sheep = no yarn purchases). I'm hoping if I have it publicly posted I'll be less apt to make an impulse purchase and need to re-set it .... my immediate goal is to not purchase new yarn this summer, which feels really doable. Especially given all the yarn and projects I have planned already! To further motivate myself, I'm joining in with the Knit Girlls summer 5k Stash Dash. Try to knit 5k between May 23 and August 7! Yeah, that feels a little nutso but you can count previous WIP toward your total. So if I finally finish a fingering weight sweater I have in progress, this would be a pretty realistic goal. Hence, the knitmeter.com tracker for this new goal. Guess I'd better get knitting!


Unknown said...

I keep trying to knit down the stash, but I am hit or miss. At this point I have less than what I started out the year with, but still not that good, considering how much I have bought so far this year. LOL!

Emily said...

This is exactly my struggle! I know I'm not the only one, but still ... :-D

Kat said...

I think my hardest problem is never finishing skeins so I'm never exactly sure how many yards I've knit...

Emily said...

I agree! Lately I've just been guess-timating, but I finally bought a digital scale so that I can be more precise.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...