hung by the chimney with care: mini-stockings!

With a little toddler running around this Christmas, I had grand plans of going handmade for the Christmas ornaments this year (they wouldn't break if she pulled them off the tree, no little parts to choke on ... all that good stuff). My mind went immediately to these adorable mini-stocking ornaments I'd seen on Ravelry, and there were plans for some needlework reindeer and santas stitched into ornaments with some cute Christmas fabric borders. As you can see from the picture above, my dream didn't quite materialize as I'd envisioned! I made around 9 different mini-stockings and then realized that, one, I was running out of time, and two, a tree comprised almost entirely of mini-stockings would look a little odd! So instead, I purchased cheap-o (but still pretty!) ornaments at Wal-Mart (that shouldn't shatter, and that I wouldn't be devastated if they were broken) and we strategically positioned them out of little one's reach. Which means that the lower half of the tree is bare. :-D But that's okay. I'd rather have that than to deal with constantly monitoring the little one!

While I did churn out quite of few of these mini-stockings, I can't say that I'm sick of them. They're such instant gratification projects! For links and my commentary on the patterns I used, see my post over at the Golden Triangle Knitting Guild blog. Be warned: they are addictive!

These guys have all the elements of real socks, minus the kitchener at the toe!

Mini fair isle? Soooo adorable.

Now that all my presents are knit and packaged and have long reached their destinations, I've been indulging in a little knitting for me. I just stumbled across this amazing indie sock yarn dyer, String Theory Colorworks. Her stuff is so neat! And apparently, these wide stripes you see below are actually a rare thing to find in sock yarn world. I had no clue. All I can say is, I'm in love! It doesn't hurt that her yarn base has a tiny amount of cashmere in it. Yum.

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