start-itis (WIP Wednesday)

I've come down with a huge case of start-itis this month. I think it's the realization that it's already June (cringe) and that if I want to get my huge list of crafting to-do's done this summer, I'd better get going! So right now that means a mix of fun, fast and brainless projects to grab when I want a break from the projects that require more mental energy. My favorite pattern for easy, brainless, but stunning? The knotted openwork scarf (free pattern!). It only takes one skein of mohair/silk blend, which makes it a great way to justify those so-pretty-I-must-take-you-home-but-you-are-way-too-expensive-to-justify-purchasing-more-than-one-skein moments we all sucumb to in yarn shops. With purl "rest" rows, it only looks complicated.

And my project that requires some brain power? I'm turning this swatch into a felted bag pattern. Hopefully *fingers crossed* it'll be done by the end of this month!


Carla said...

Oh that yarn looks gorgeous. I like that color! =D

Emily said...

It is sooo soft ... I highly recommend it!

Amanda Steves said...

Love, love, love that fuzzy lacy project you've got!!

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...