sewing and stitching

Was your three-day weekend productive? Mine was! I got tired of having my messy in-progress subway-tile Christmas quilt occupying my dining room table, so I finished assembling the backing (that cute green polka dot flannel you see above), put together the quilt "sandwhich" and did some very, very basic outline machine quilting. Now I'm on my favorite step, sewing the binding. I know you can do this in one step with your machine, but I find hand sewing the binding so satisfying. Especially during the winter when you get to snuggle under the quilt while working on it!

As for knitting, I casted on for something new, of course! This is the Bobbles and Cables Cap from 60 Quick Knits. This project will achieve another one of my crafting resolutions for this year--trying a new knitting technique. Bobbles! I've never knit them before, so we'll see if I like them ... a word of warning to others who have this book: there are errata for this pattern, specifically with the bobble instructions. You can find it on the main pattern page on Ravelry, so be sure to check that out before you get too far into this pattern.


Susan said...

Both the quilt and knitting are so bright and colorful! Really brightens up late winter haha!

Karen said...

Both look great! I love the color of your hat. It's stunning:)

Unknown said...

That purple yarn is gorgeous! Love the colors in the quilt too.

Emily said...

Thanks, ladies--the yarn is good 'ol Cascade 220! I don't feel very original, as the hat in the pattern is purple as well! :)

Erin @ Wild Whispers said...

Looks great! I love the purple!

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...