FO Friday: tote-ally crazy

It's official: I've gone tote-ally crazy with this project! But man, does it feel good. Final count: 18 tote bags finished. That's 36 yards of fabric out of my stash people! Happy dance!! The sad thing is that I could easily make at least ten more of the remaining cotton canvas stash. However, I'm going to take a break for now. I have a couple of other ideas as to how I can utilize what remains (e.g. new cushion covers for patio furniture, placemats, maybe even some curtains) that I want to think about for a bit first. Phew! What's next? Quilts. I've got a king-sized quilt top super close to being finished, and some throw-sized quilts ready to get started.


Unknown said...

Last summer I did a bunch of drawstring bags. Still have fabric for more, but not sure I want to get back into production on them! Your totes are so cute!

Lucy Bowen said...

Wow, look at those?! Love them, useful and use stash!

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...