knit your library, vol. 15

Another big 'ol blanket is DONE! For this one, the grand total was 3,758 yards out of stash. I'm counting this one as a bigger success than the first, since it allowed me to move some really old boucle and eyelash yarns out of my stash! Wooohoooooo! And as you can see, it is plenty big for a twin sized bed.

And in other "knit my library" project news, I have made my first-ever toe-up heel flap!?!?! I did not even know it was possible to knit socks this way. I may never knit top-down socks ever again ...


Julie said...

that blanket is beautiful!! what a treasure. The colours look great, and I'm noticing a theme- more pink in those beautiful socks in progress!

Una said...

What an achievement. Your photo really shows how big this blanket is.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...