Project Spectrum officially begins tomorrow! Our first cardinal direction? North. The associated color? Green. My first project? The "Classic Silk Open Cardigan" from Classic Elite Yarn's spring pattern booklet, New Harbor. I'm knitting from my stash for once ... some Elann Callista (colorway: peacock) I'd originally purchased for another CEY pattern. I'm hoping for an uber-productive PS4, considering the long laundry lists of sewing, knitting, and general crafting projects I have planned in anticipation of baby. I hope to be a little more consistent this go-round as well--last year I started off strong, but fell off the wagon during the last few months.
cast on ...
Project Spectrum officially begins tomorrow! Our first cardinal direction? North. The associated color? Green. My first project? The "Classic Silk Open Cardigan" from Classic Elite Yarn's spring pattern booklet, New Harbor. I'm knitting from my stash for once ... some Elann Callista (colorway: peacock) I'd originally purchased for another CEY pattern. I'm hoping for an uber-productive PS4, considering the long laundry lists of sewing, knitting, and general crafting projects I have planned in anticipation of baby. I hope to be a little more consistent this go-round as well--last year I started off strong, but fell off the wagon during the last few months.
... and zipped up
my first successful zipper
My beginning sewing class ended today with a skill on my "must learn--pronto" list ... the zipper! I can't believe how professional the results are, and with such relative ease! Must replicate procedure ASAP so I don't forget! With this skill learned, I now can seriously consider attempting my latest acquisition ... a summer maternity dress pattern. Specifically, view "B" below. Cute, huh? In my brief searches so far, I've quickly discovered that the availability and selection for maternity patterns is meager at best.
swingy and oh-so-cool, this will get me through that last trimester
I'll have to tackle another "must learn" skill for me to attempt another recent pattern acquisition ... the button hole. Aren't these rompers adorable? Pretty simple, too, other than the pesky button hole.
In a cute, soft cotton gingham, perhaps?
Lots of good stuff in this pattern!
my first smocking
Here are the results of the smocking class I took last Saturday. The verdict? Sooo much fun! This could be addictive. It combines one of my old, and neglected loves--embroidery--with my new obsession, sewing. Very dangerous. We practiced basic stitches last Saturday, and then we'll combine them to follow an actual smocked panel pattern during this week's class. Now we just need to convince our instructor to offer a second class, teaching us how to insert the smocked panels into actual garments!
it's a zoo

Alexander Henry's "2D Zoo"
Fueled by my recent sewing successes, I've decided that I want to sew my own crib accessories (bumpers, blanket, etc.). We'll see if I'm being overly-ambitious ... but if my plans backfire, I'll just buy something from the store, no big deal. :-D After making this decision, I had envisioned some cute, modern fabric with lions and animals--totally gender neutral. Then I spotted Alexander Henry's "2D Zoo" and fell in love. Guess who now owns five yards, courtesy of eBay? Now I just need to, ahem, purchase a crib. Oh, and a sewing pattern would be helpful too ...
sweet smocking
sewing success
Week two of my beginning sewing class, and look at what I came home with! Sooo exciting. This is by far the cutest and most professional-looking thing I have ever sewed, and I am so inspired to dive into more sewing projects now. My first time using fusible interfacing, and my first time topstitching (see below). I was terrified every second of stitching it, especially since I chose a print that really didn't allow for a forgiving, blend-in-the-background thread choice. But I did pretty well, if I do say so myself!
Look at me, I'm relatively straight!
We even put in a lining and pocket.
The pattern was soo easy, I left the store with material for a second tote, which I whipped out the next day. It turned out even better than the first! Watch out world, I'm going to become a tote-bag making machine.
bambino blankies
- Basketweave. I have an old, tattered copy of a pattern my Mom sent me, and it's my go-to for baby blankies. I'll definitely make my kiddo one. I haven't found the actual pattern I use on Ravelry, but this one is close.
- Easy Ripple Baby Blanket. Easy, but not nearly as boring as plain stockinette. Perfect.
- Barbara Breiter's Teddy Bear Blanket. What can I say? I really enjoy visual patterns created from simple knitting and purling. Barbara provides a ton of options to choose from on her website.
- I love this Estonian lace pattern. I love that it's not too intricate, but still visually interesting--and definitely not too girly, either. With a worsted weight pattern option, this is a definite contender.
- The intarsia animals on Nicky Epstein's Animal Antics pattern make my heart skip a beat. And I'm pretty sure my local library actually has a copy of the book the pattern is published in ... my biggest obstacle on this one would be getting over my fear of intarsia.
- The Apple Core blanket is sooo awesome, but the thought of all that finishing makes me want to cry.
- OpArt by Melissa Dominguez looks very cool--and not nearly as painful in terms of finishing as the Apple Core blanket. if I snag two colors that will combine well for the stripes, this one will get added to the queue.
- If the baby is a girl, the Flower Baby Blanket is being knitted FOR SURE.
bambino sweaters
Realistically, sweaters aren't a huge baby wardrobe necessity in Mississippi. But we do hit the freezing point off and on for about three months of the year, and babies can't regulate their body heat as well and need more layers ... not to mention that it would just be a crime for me not to knit at least one. I'm already half-done with the first sweater on my list. Sock yarn sweaters seems to be a good choice for our climate, considering that they make thin sweaters that are perfect for layering and won't be stifling hot. I'm limiting myself to no more than three sweaters in big sizes, since I have no idea how big lil' bambino will actually be by the time our chilly season rolls around.
- Red Heart, Heart and Sole Baby Pleasure Pullover :: In progress, using the Tequila Sunrise colorway. (I have to admit that I am not so much a fan of this colorway now that I've knitted it, but I've finished too much of the sweater to quit now. What looked gender neutral on the skein looks pretty boyish to me now... I have enough yarn to make a second sweater in the Green Envy colorway, which looks much cuter.)
- Seedling (Rav link) by Jil Eaton, in the book Minnies: Quick Knits for Babies and Toddlers. To be cast on using a sunny yellow Lion Brand Homespun.
- Some variation of a baby kimono ... but which pattern? Lately I've been admiring Carina Spencer's version and Jacki Kelly's version. Carina's is written for worsted weight, while Jacki's is for DK so maybe I'll let the yarn make my decision. I've got some DK/sport weight green Baby Bee yarn that would be cute worked up in this sweater style ... or a green/yellow/white variegated colorway. Can't decide.
- If the baby's a girl ... Helena will be knitted FOR SURE. Soooo adorable. And the 5-Hour Baby Sweater too ... oh yeah.
project plannin'


Raynor Gellatly's Jelly Bums Lion
(details on Ravelry)

Tums the Hippo by Anna Hrachovec
(details on Ravelry)

Elijah by Ysolda Teague
(details on Ravelry)

first bloom
First daffodil ... in February?!?! I freaked out when I saw them sprouting at Christmas. Yes, you read that right--Christmas. I am all about this southern year-round gardening thing, but seriously, this is sick. Let me extend a little bit of sunshine to the other parts of our nation that are experiencing much more decidedly winter-like conditions!
organized chaos
When I realized I had to search through more than six "works in progress" project bags to find all my knitting needles, I knew I had a problem. Did I have a pair of size 5 circulars? No idea. The search for a perfect needle case began ...
My answer? The Namaste needle binder. I had seen it online and fell in immediate lust, but thought it was too much of a splurge at first. Instead, I focused more on the roll-up cloth needle cases. When I realized my LYS carried Offhand Designs, which I had been admiring online, I dropped in to see the product in person. Instead I walked out of the store with a shiny new turquoise Namaste needle binder and extra inserts in hand. Oops!
After seeing the Namaste needle binder in person, and comparing to cloth-based needle cases, I realized it wasn't as much of a splurge as I initially thought. Many of the cloth-based needle cases my LYS carried were similar in price. And the Namaste needle binder has one significant advantage the cloth-based needle rolls were lacking--expandability. Even as a relatively new knitter, I could immediately fill the cloth-based needle cases with my current needle collection. The Namaste binder? Plenty of ability to grow with my needle collection. After that realization, I was sold. And no regrets here!
The binder comes with four inserts. Two sleeves for straights, one with skinny pockets (below), the other with wide (above). I easily fit a set of size 7 and 8 dpn's in the wide pockets. One zippered mesh sleeve divided into two pockets, and one zippered notions bag. I used the zippered mesh sleeve for my circulars, which has worked great so far.
I'm baaaack
New year, new crafting! Not only am I back, but my trusty 'ol sewing machine is too ... thanks to a "Beginning Sewing" class I started this morning at the Golden Triangle Fabric Center. The class is great--our instructor, Everlyn, is a sweetheart, and this is just the boost I need for my sewing confidence. After reviewing the basics and practicing sewing some straight lines, we actually completed our first project on the first day of class (a pillowcase!). Next week? A tote bag! I'm lovin' it! So look for weekly updates on my progress. I've got extra motivation to beef up my skills now that there's a little bun in the oven that's going to need some hand-crafted love. :-D
hello world, it's been awhile
Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...

The more hats I knit for charity, the more I knew I needed a fast, go-to hat pattern that could use leftover bits of wors...
My knitting guild just started a new charity project, knitting hats for children living in an orphanage in a mountainous region of Ke...