declaring war ...

... on my works-in-progress! I'm going through my annual summer-is-ending-soon-so-I'd-better-get-going reality check, which means cleaning and organizing and getting myself ready for the fall. Today I sorted through the miscellaneous bags of yarn and unfinished objects that have accumulated around the house, and realized I have a bunch of projects that are thisclose to being finished. So for the next couple of weeks, my knitting time is going to be devoted to moving these projects into the finished object category.

Snug only needs a second sleeve, seaming and buttons ...

My Cotton Candy Socks are victims of second-sock-syndrome ...

The adorable lion scarf from 60 Quick Knits ...

Yet another knotted openwork scarf ...

And the butin collar (this one really just needs weaving in ends and attaching the necklace finding!) ...


sadodosah said...

Onward soldier!! Finish them!

Hope you win! Will be checking on on Friday to see what you have conquered!

Emily said...

LOL ... thanks for the moral support!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a really.really good idea. Let me see, what have I got? Hmmmmmmm.

(At least I'm not a sock knitter, so there are no second socks hanging about, but there are several shawls - and the rest. Oh dear...)

Mrs H Knits said...

Go for it!! I find that quite exciting. I've got 4 WIP's on the go at the moment and I want to get them finished too, so have decided I am not going to cast on another thing until they get done. We can support each other in our endeavours.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...