what's your color story?

Color is one of my favorite topics ... color is what attracts me to all the crafts I dabble in. I'm happy with the simplest of patterns as long as the color makes me happy! I thought about doing another infographic to see the patterns in my color choices, but instead I tried one of those free palette generators. First, I took a screen shot of my Ravelry projects page (with the screen size zoomed out to 50% to fit almost everything in!). Here is that image, broken into two parts: 

Then I dumped the image into Microsoft Paint and saved it as a .jpg. Next step? Upload the image into a palette generator! I used Palettefx.com, and it generated this palette from my Ravelry Projects page:

Pretty accurate, huh? At first I was surprised, because I feel like I choose brighter and bolder colors than this palette would suggest. More hot pinks, for example. But when I took a closer look at my projects page I realized my impression of my color choices was wrong. Now, the blues in the palette were not surprising at all. What was interesting to me is that I hadn't realized that I've used such a full range of shades/value among my blue projects. What I should do is take a picture of my stash and run another palette generator ...


Christine N said...

Wow that is really interesting! I'm surprised too... That purse on your photo looks pretty bright.

Stel said...

I do love your palette! Both the colours and your methodology :-)

Pigtails said...

I would love to see the stash generated into a colour graphic! Just shows us that what we think things are and look like is nothing but a hint of reality.

Voie de Vie said...

Ah, but then you'd have to face the stash! :)

I do like this palette generator concept - very nicely done.

Emily said...

Exactly! Thanks. :)

Kirstin said...

Wow, now I totally want to do this! Brilliant!

Liz Washburn said...

What a clever idea. Thanks for introducing me to the palette generator--I've never heard of this type of app before.

Emily said...

I know, kind of crazy, huh?

Unknown said...

How fun! Love the palette thing.

Unknown said...

Also, I linked back to this post in my Inspiration Saturday feature.

unionjgirl said...

That is the neatest thing! I think mine is slightly influenced by pics taken against my neon green blocking tiles ; )

katie metzroth said...

totally cool! :)

Leslie said...

What a great idea! I was just looking through my Projects page on Ravelry and thinking, "Wow, that's a lot of blue..."

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