a mid-year review

I didn't mention it back in January, but when I posted that year-end-review/new-years-resolutions it struck me that I might be more successful in achieving all my goals for the year if I actually looked at them some point before December 31st ... ahem .... and since we've officially finished half of 2013 (already?!?!) this is as good of time as any to check my progress!

My 2013 crafting resolutions:
  •  Goal #1: Learn a new knitting technique (I'm thinking brioche stitch, or mosaic knitting!). Status: success! I learned how to make bobbles for the bobbles and cables cap back in February. And the success of the tardis mitts has got me itching to play with color this month ... I have plans for some two-color brioche cowls and playing with mosaic knitting in the works. So this goal will definitely be exceeded by the end of the year.
  •  Goal #2: Try dyeing yarn (I have undyed wool, I have the dyes, I have a pot ready to designate as my "dye pot" ... I just need to do it!). Status: success! I played with easter egg dyes and food coloring back in March, so technically this goal has been achieved. It was so much fun I'd love to set aside time to play with dyes some more, though!
  •  Goal #3: Finish at least one sweater in 2013.Status: needs work. I have one cardigan that just needs a hem, sleeves, and button bands--definitely do-able by the end of the year! I just need to force myself to just do it.
  •  Goal #4: Make one project a month out of my current library of craft books, magazines, and knitting patterns. Status: mixed performance. January? Yup. February? Yup. March? Yup. April? May? Nada. June? Yup. Getting back on track with this one. If nothing else, it has been eye-opening to realize which books I use over and over, and which patterns I already have in my library that I keep forgetting about but really do want to make ... eventually. :-D

How has 2013 been progressing for you?

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hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...