christmas teacher bouquets!

Right now it looks like Christmas exploded in my house. We are decorated to the max, and then add to that Christmas ornament making, teacher presents, and classroom party gift bags! Yup, total explosion! Today I'm going to share what is starting to become a tradition for me--making a "bouquet" of flowers using dry erase markers (and this year, Elmer's glue bottles!). Super fun and unique for sure. (also relatively quick to pull together too, for anyone looking for last minute teacher present ideas!)

What you'll need:
1. One large pack of dry erase markers (or highlighters, Sharpies, anything you know your teacher uses!). This bouquet used a 12 pack of dry erase markers and a 8 pack of Sharpies. It looked pretty full with just the dry erase markers alone though!
2. A "vase." Last year I used an oversized mug, this year I used a popcorn tub container I found at Walmart.
3. Two sheets of tissue paper.
4. A disc of floral foam.
5. Floral arrangement picks.
6. Assorted colors of felt in floral colors.

Let's get started!
Step 1: Cut a square shaped piece of felt for your leaf layer.

Step 2: Fold the square in half and cut a slit large enough for your marker to fit through.

Step 3: For the leaf layer, I cut random jagged edges around. Then repeat Steps 1 & 2 to create the flower, but this time cutting petal like rounded shapes instead. My flowers are not perfect at all--I just eyeball it, and it turns out pretty cute once the whole thing is put together.

Step 4: Assemble the "flower" by slipping the flower onto your marker, followed by the leaf layer. Ta da! Cute, huh?

Step 5: Attach your disc of floral arrangement foam to the bottom of your "vase" using double-sided tape.

Step 6: Attach a floral pick to each flower, then insert into floral foam base.

Step 7: After you've filled your vase, slip tissue paper into the gaps around the edges.

Alternative version! This one I made for the teacher's assistant using Elmer's glue, since kindergartners aren't good at limiting glue usage and they are in constant need of more glue!

Have fun with it! I'm sure you could do this with a variety of school supplies.

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