the love your library challenge

I mentioned this idea back in November, and there's nothing like the beginning of a new year to kick off a new challenge! To review, here's the backstory: when reorganizing, I came to the harsh realization that my knitting and crafting library is expanding at a rate that is much faster than my actual rate of making from said books. I don't even want to think about how few items I have created from my library of crafting-related magazines ... shudder ... I had heard about the craft book challenge, which calls for making one thing out of your craft book library each month. Unfortunately, I discovered that the craft book challenge was no longer active. So I am reviving it for myself, but with a few tweaks:
  • Knit/sew/craft at least one thing from your current library each month. (I include magazines and pdf patterns within my definition of "library," so don't limit yourself to just books).
  • I am setting the goal for myself of not purchasing any new knitting patterns this year, and trying to only knit from my current pattern library.
Want to join me? On the first of each month, post your plans of what you'll be working on that month as part of the "Love Your Library" challenge and post a link to your blog post in the comments of my "Love Your Library" challenge post. At the end of the month we'll post again to assess our progress and applaud our finished projects.
So what are my plans for January? I'm starting things off with a WIP from one of my KnitSimple magazines, the "Mom's Vest" by Cheryl Murray (so appropriate, since I am a mom, ha! but not frumpy at all!). I am sooo close on this one, and have been working on it here and there during the holidays. I have the back done, one side, and am 3/4s done with the second side. That leaves a shawl collar, button bands, and finishing! Definitely do-able for January. And the abnormally low temperatures we've been experiencing here in Mississippi are adding more fuel to my motivation--I want to wear this! Oh, and did I mention I'm using Malabrigo? 
 Let me know in the comments if you plan on joining me in the "Love Your Library" challenge this year! I may scrounge up some prizes if there is enough interest ...


Karen said...

Your vest is coming along wonderfully! I love the color.
Your challenge is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea! Working more from my library was one of my goals last year, and it pretty much failed. I would love to join in!

Nicky said...

oooh oooh oooh i LOVE this idea!!!!
I'm in!!!!!
Can I count a project I started on NYE pretty please?????
is there a group i need to join or a badge i need to post???
Ohh cant wait!

Colyn Martin said...

Oh my goodness, I love the color and I love the cables! I'm definitely putting this pattern in my queue.

Andria said...

Gorgeous cables, that is a great pattern.

Paula said...

Hmm... That's a very cool idea. I wonder if I have enough books to pull something like that off. Must go rifle through the shelves and she what's there. Meanwhile, forget the cold weather -- that Malabrigo should be inspiration enough to get your vest finished. SO soft. And such a pretty color. Enjoy!

pinkundine said...

Such a good idea - I have lots of books, magazines and patterns that I don't do anything with nearly enough!

Sandy said...

Beautiful color, awesome cables; wish I could see them spread out. I thought maybe there were sleeves, but I know how things curl before blocking etc. I love you idea of the library. I'm terrible at using patterns. I often use them for ideas and not actual patterns. But, I also make things where sizing is less of an issue. I'm soon to tackle a sweater for DD (must check on whether I have the right size needles today); so might hop on board. Meme's do take time, but they're also good at spurring us forward. Not sure I can make the once a month...but, maybe. Since we missed the first day of the month, maybe I can get a post up in the next or so.

unionjgirl said...

This is such a great idea, I'm hoping that with the goals I've set for this year I'll be loving my library anyway this year. The other week I gathered up all of the projects that have yarn and patterns all ready to go, to be picked up anytime I finish something and am ready to start something new. I won't be able to do a project each month, though, since the first thing I have is a cardigan, which is my first sleeved garment. The other curveball will be when I make things for other people in swaps, but we'll see!

Sandy said...

Well am back, took some doing as I forgot to save your url...been awhile, but am finally getting my post for this meme done but..I don't see the linky for the meme? Am I missing it? Hoping to visit those who've left comments, I assume that means they're in on the meme?

Creatively Lisa said...

I love your challenge. I actually just started something similar on my blog except with my Ravelry queue. You should check it out if you are up for some multiple challenges. I might even play along with you in February. I don't think I have the time to play right now.

Iris said...

Just found this via a link on another blog - such a great idea. I'll have a look through all my (numerous) knitting and crochet books and patterns to see if I can do this!

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

I'm a bit late to find this, but I am joining in too! And I love your no yarn buying widget too! I am in the same boat - I think even if I knitted and quilted 24 hours a day for the rest of my life (and I lived to be 100!), I would still not get through my yarn and fabric stash or make all the patterns I own. So what a fantastic idea! I'm in!

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...