2012 knit year in review

(top, then left to right)
1-3. Maddox
7. Bubby
8. Calsada


**not pictured: an additional five scarves knitted for charity.
2012 was definitely the year of the toy! Owls, dinosaurs, teddy bears, dolls, monsters ... oh my! That and baby knits, no big surprise with the arrival of baby boy in May. The grand total? 24 projects finished, and 7,446 yards knitted. Because I am a total nerd, I went back and tallied my knitting yardage in past years for comparison. Wow ... I thought I had knit a lot in 2012 (by my standards), and this verifies it! I essentially doubled my yards knit/projects completed rate in 2012.
Now for the real moment of truth ... did I fulfill my 2012 crafting resolutions? Sadly, that's a big fat negative for most of them ...
Goal #1: Knit 12 socks in 2012 ... I finished 1.5, 2.5 if I count the pair of snake socks ... oops! I really thought this would be do-able, since socks can be a really brainless fast project if you choose a basic pattern ... but then I realized I hardly wear socks around the house, and my motivation to make them decreased dramatically ... now I'm eyeballing scarf and shawlette patterns to use up my gorgeous sock yarn stash ...
Goal #2: Finish at least one sweater in 2012. Nope.
Goal #3: Make one project a month out of one of my current stash of craft books. I was the most successful here ... not quite one project a month, but several of my finished projects were patterns from my library of craft books (e.g. snake sockss, party on my head hat, petite facile pullover ...).
Goal #4: Make needlepoint pillows for my couch in my sitting room. Nope. Have yarn, have been collecting ideas, but nothing started.
Goal #5: Finish a paper-doll cross-stitch kit for my daughter's room. Nope!
Goal #6: Publish at least one new knitting pattern in 2012. Nope. I drafted a scarf pattern, but discovered it had an annoying tendency to roll in on itself. I didn't want to publish a pattern that people would curse!
This year I'm going to keep my goals more simple ...
My 2013 crafting resolutions:
  •  Goal #1: Learn a new knitting technique (I'm thinking brioche stitch, or mosaic knitting!).
  •  Goal #2: Try dyeing yarn (I have undyed wool, I have the dyes, I have a pot ready to designate as my "dye pot" ... I just need to do it!).
  •  Goal #3: Finish at least one sweater in 2013.
  •  Goal #4: Make one project a month out of my current library of craft books, magazines, and knitting patterns.
That's it! Check back in tomorrow, as I'm kicking of the "Love Your Library" challenge in order to satisfy Goal #4. If you're like me, your library of books, pdf patterns, and magazines has grown out of control and you haven't knit/made nearly enough as you'd like to have from your library. I'd love to invite everyone to join in with me in knitting more and making more from your current library! What are your crafting resolutions for 2013?


Noreen said...

A wonderful year of knitting! Your toys are so so cute! Learning brioche is also on my list of 2013 knitting resolutions. (In fact, just yesterday enrolled in Marchant's Brioche Knitting Craftsy online course.)

Susan said...

I love how cohesive your projects are. They all look like they belong together, in a collection. The toys particularly are so so sweet! :)

Unknown said...

I'm loving the graphs!

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...