humming along

Things are humming along here ... I have new year's caston-itis, so I'm fighting the urge to start more new things as best I can ... LOL.  My fine tune cowl is almost 3/4 done! Only five more wedges to go!

 The shocking-hurt-your-eyes-it's-so-neon varjo-shadow shawl is almost half-way done ...

 And you knew there would be at least one new project with that lead-in, right? Right? Teehee. Realizing my sister's birthday is around the corner, I thought I'd better get going on that. I promised her something warm and pink and initially planned to make a second Funky Frank Loop, but decided to go for a Millwater instead. This is my first time not buying the pattern and figuring it out myself ... feels good to finally be at a point where I trust my skills enough to do that!

Linking up with Tammy's Stitch-Along Wednesday, Ginny for Yarn Along, Nicole for Keep Calm Craft On & iknead2knit’s Whatcha Workin’ On Wednesday. 


Laura said...

I think everyone gets startitis at this time of year. Love the colours you've got for your projects! They're so bright and cheerful for gloomy January days :)

kjramstack said...

I've had the Fine Tune Cowl in my favorites for a long, long time now. Yours is looking great!

Keri said...

I love your colour choices. We all need lots of colour to help us through the winter.

Alicia said...

That pattern is super adaptable and pretty simple, I'm sure yours will be lovely!

Gracey is not my name.... said...

You are workingn on some bright colored yarn the Varjo...adore the colors!

Unknown said...

Sometimes I reverse engineer, and sometimes I just buy the pattern to not have to tax my brain! But it is nice to be able to stretch those brain muscles now and again.

Loca4crafts said...

I love your color choice for the shadow shawl! It will be beautiful when it's finished.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...