Love Your Library Challenge: 2015 Edition

Are you in? This will be our third (!!) year of attempting to make better use of that library of knitting books and patterns we've been collecting! In an effort to stay better focused, I've decided to focus on four toy pattern books I've had in my stash for ages. Now the rules of the challenge haven't changed--it's still the same challenge to actually use the books, patterns, and magazines we've collected over the years! But I'm doing a little experiment to see if focusing on a smaller subset of my library will make me more successful. Fingers crossed! The other change I'll be adopting this year is posting weekly on my progress--so be sure to visit every Tuesday to see how I'm doing and to show off your own progress! (if you'd like a button to snag for your blog, feel free to snag the "Love Your Library" image on the right)

Now, on to the books! During 2015 I will be knitting out of:

This is going to be fun! Are you joining me in the 2015 Love Your Library challenge? Post a link to your blog below! Welcome aboard!
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Unknown said...

I like this challenge and will be joining in! Happy New Year!

Rebecca said...

This is a smart idea! I have so many knitting books and magazines I barely use!

Emily said...

Welcome ladies!! So glad you're joining in the fun!

Lucy Bowen said...

Just seen this and would love to join you - if I can keep up! Apologies for a link to a very old post as I'm trying to do this on a Kindle - I will try to delete it!

Emily said...

No problem! And yay! Thanks for joining in!

Unknown said...

I may have cheated a bit and bought a while slew of patterns that I've been planning on knitting from my stash, but they are in my library now, so it totally counts. Looking forward to joining in.

Unknown said...

I plan to play along, but my post about it won't hit until Saturday.

BeccaH / Nutmegknitter said...

I love this idea and am very happy to see that it is happening again! The books you've chosen are wonderful - I love the 50 Yards of Fun book!!

Kate Essex said...

Wow, what a great idea! I'm in! And it works out that this is the year I want to knit down the stash (which is so, so much sock yarn) and most of my books are sock patterns. Woohoo!

Ellen said...

I'm playing and my post is going up today!

Click said...

I love knitting cuddly toys, in fact I've got the knitted monsters and the farm yard book. I did the Knitted Chickens featured on the front cover of your copy of the book.

Good luck with it. I may have to join you on this challenge. :-)

Sam I Am...... said...

This is great as I have started on the Itty Bitty book and have plans to make lots of toys! Fun is in our future! I also have several other books; Spud and Chloe on the Farm and I'll have to go searching for a few more although one book is probably good for me as I am a slow knitter.

Paula said...

I need this challenge! I'm going to concentrate on sock pattern books I haven't used yet.

Lorraine said...

This sounds like fun. So far I have 5 projects knit from my library, if you count a stitch library book that I'm using for grandson's neckwarmer.

CeltChick said...

I love our library! Let's not forget about the Interlibrary Loan program; if your local library participates then you can get books from other libraries. I really must get my personal library in order, so I can use it more.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...