Love Your Library, vol. 7

Your eyes are not deceiving you! A second Lullington hat was knit up behind the scenes while I was celebrating eight years of blogging last week (link to details on my Ravelry project page). This one is made with MadTosh Chunky in the fathom colorway--a colorway that is sooo much more awesome than this photo makes out. Imagine a gorgeous navy blue with depth--highlights of brighter, Tardis-like blue, and lowlights of black. It glows. Now I have a hat that will coordinate with my neon fine tune cowl when I wear it with my kelly green pea coat, woot!

Don't fret, that bray cap I was working on got finished too! I'll post about it on Friday!

How'd you do with this month's organization challenge? If you remember, I started the month with 4,121 total patterns logged into my electronic Ravelry library. After taking stock, I realized I was about 1.5 years behind in logging my magazine subscriptions in my Rav library. Ooops! Add nine books, a handful of paper patterns I acquired pre-Ravelry, and several more freebie pdf's I accumulated throughout the month, and I've topped the 5,000 mark in terms of patterns. Yikes. Sounds scary seeing it in print! My addiction to magazine subscriptions is the main driver of that pattern, and I know it. Several of you have suggested looking into accessing my favorite magazines for free via my library's electronic magazine service, but unfortunately my library doesn't include my favorite titles ... yet. I was pretty bummed to discover that! Eventually I may consider cancelling a subscription or two ... but I really like reading the articles and checking out the advertisements even if I don't always love every pattern (Vogue Knitting, I'm talking about you!) so I'm keeping my subscriptions for now. Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits, KnitSimple, and Knitscene are the ones I subscribe to. I love the patterns in Knitscene the best, but love the colors/fashion/industry updates in Vogue the best. Funnily enough, the patterns in Vogue seem the ugliest to me! What magazines are your favorite to subscribe to?

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Alicia said...

I agree, KnitScene tends to have patterns I might actually knit, Interweave is hit or miss, and Vogue is very unlikely. I don't subscribe to any mags anymore though, as I never use the patterns and the articles weren't enough to hold me. I do, however, subscibe to spinning magazines, as I feel I learn something from their articles.

Kat Riddell said...

I think it's a tie between KnitScene and Interweave for having more patterns that I'd like to knit, but I also can usually find one good pattern in each issue of Vogue. I like the articles in all of them, and I really agree with you about the fashion/color/industry knowledge in Vogue and the value of that. I figure that I could get one or two Ravelry downloads for the price of each issue, so as long as I get one pattern I like, and the "bonus material" remains relevant to me, I feel that my subscriptions are worth it.

Emily said...

Yes! I'm curious to see if Interweave gets more my style, since the editor from KnitScene took over after Eunny left. We'll see!

Emily said...

That's how I justify my subscriptions too. :-D

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

All those magazines are hideously expensive to get in Australia, but I love Interweave and Knitscene, if I can get them secondhand somewhere. You have been busy organising! Better than I've managed. I'm happy to have got the bookshelves in some sort of order. Love your hat - the colour sounds amazing, as an my monitor it looks like just one shade of blue. I have enjoyed the patterns for your eight years - it means I have added more to Rav!

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

Not a specific Love Your Library post this week, although I did use patterns and stash I already had to make the items!

Unknown said...

I have my books and mags done, now need to get through the paper patterns! 4 binders full will take a while. I used to sub to Knitters and Interweave, but never really knit from them, so canned them. Now I just use my computer and file them electronically. I use Box for all my knitting patterns.

hello world, it's been awhile

      Wow. 16 years of fiber crafting statistics! This chart is deceptive because I only count "yards out" when the project is fin...