Excited by my success with this
little pink number, I charged ahead on bag
numero dos ... this time I thought some lime green polka dots would be kind of fun. Had I ever tried
intarsia before?
Nah. Did I bother researching the proper method?
Nah. Full steam ahead!

This polka dot turned out perfect ...

This one? Not so much ...

Struck by the fear that all those wholes and bumps would lead to a pretty lumpy finished project, I abandoned my polka dot dreams. Luckily I hadn't gotten too far in my knitting.

One finished bag, ready to felt! (sorry bad evening lighting)
I should have put something in this photo for scale--it seemed
huuuge. It could cover my entire head and shoulders. Look honey, I'm knitting a humongous sack!

Hooray! Another successful finished project! It even stands on its own. Amazing!

(an inside shot)